The Request Allowance Change Screen allows you to make amendments to an employee’s leave allowances. If a leave type has an allowance associated with it you can add or remove days from this allowance. There is also the functionality to give an explanation for the addition or deduction as you process the request, which will be shown on the Leave Details view in the employee’s My Summary page.

Image of Allowance Change Request feature.

Once an employee has started an allowance change request they arrive at the Allowance Change Summary page, this gives them information on their current allowance, requested change and the results if approved. If you are requesting this as an authoriser or administrator, you can choose to authorise the request straight away and the allowance change will be effective immediately.

Image of request allowance change process

Allowing Employees to raise Allowance Change Requests

In Leave Settings, select the leave type (with an allowance) and under the ‘Authorisation and Allowance’ tab you will find an option; ‘Access level required for Allowance Change Requests’. When this is set to System Administrator, only users at the very highest level can request changes to allowances. If you decide to lower this to Employee, anyone will be allowed to request changes to allowances and the authorisations steps will be as standard for that leave type.

Image of changing setting to allowa employees to use allowance change request feature