– A –

Absence – This default leave type can be used for planned appointments; such as doctors, dentists, etc. Absence should be used for any appointment which does not apply to holiday/annual leave allowance, and are not recorded as sickness.

Access Level – This setting is used to determine whether a user is an Employee, Manager, Department Administrator or System Administrator.

Active Requests – These requests are pending, yet to be authorised in LeavePlanner.

Administrator – There are two user levels that are administrators, System Admins can change any setting in LeavePlanner. Department Admins can administer leave for the whole organisation, but do not have access to the Organisation admin settings.

Advanced Mode – This is an option when editing the Working Pattern. If you are setting a working pattern to custom, you can use the advanced mode to have even more control over the patterns.

Alerting levels – If you want to restrict your employees from taking leave in their first month or three months, define the levels here and whether you want to warn them when they are requesting it.

Allowance Change Request – This request type is for modifying an allowance, it can either add or subtract days from an allowance. This can be raised by the employee if you allow it in Organisation Settings; otherwise it is raised by Managers, Department Administrators or System Administrators.

Allowance Changes view – The Allowance Changes view in My Summary shows you any additions or deductions made to your leave allowance. If your organisation allows leave to be carried over into the next period, you will see the addition and deductions to carry over that remaining leave here.

Archive user – When a user has left your organisation, you can archive them in Manage Users. Once you have done this their data remains for System Administrators and LeavePlanner excludes them from the licence usage count. If you want to permanently delete this person’s data you can delete the user instead.

Authoriser – An authoriser is someone that is chosen to approve requests for another user. You can add multiple authorisers and LeavePlanner will require that all authorisers accept the request before it is granted. Authorisers in LeavePlanner can also be covered by Backup Authoriser for when they are on leave.

Authorise request – As an authoriser, select this option to confirm your approval and mark the requested leave as authorised in LeavePlanner.

– B –

Backup Authoriser – You can set a backup authoriser in an authorisation sequence in ‘Manage Users’; this person will be able to authorise the requests when the authoriser is unable to. If you have an authoriser and want to set a default person to be their backup you can add them as a Stand-In Authoriser.

Bradford Factor – This is a score used to measure the impact of an employee’s sickness. It works on the theory that short, frequent and unplanned leave are more disruptive than longer absences.

Browser – A browser, or web browser, is the application you use on your device to view web sites. On Windows PCs it may be Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, on Apple devices it may be Safari. Mobile devices often have their own browsers depending on their manufacturer.

Bulk Leave Request – The Bulk Leave Request page is for booking time off for multiple employees at once. This can only be done by System Administrators or Department Administrators in LeavePlanner, and can be done for any leave type.

– C –

Calendar – The View Planner page contains the calendar that you can use to view your leave. You can check availability of dates for future requests, or even look back at previous leave or absence. Calendar views – If you want to change what you see on the calendar on the View Planner page, from calendar type to specific dates, employees or leave types, you can use Calendar Views to save a set of options that you use on a regular basis.

Calendar Security Setting – You can choose whether employees can see the entire organisation or only see their own departments and sub-departments (previously ‘Secure Mode’).

Calendar Type – There are two styles of calendar to choose from, which one is better will depend on what you are viewing. Both calendars are displayed monthly and are customisable with the viewing options and calendar views.

Classic Calendar – The classic calendar is a Calendar Type like your conventional wall calendar. The days of the month are displayed once, and multiple items can appear on each day, therefore ideal if you want to find the leave records on a specific day.

Custom Leave Types – Your organisation is able to create further choices with custom leave types. This can be useful if you want to record Time Off in Lieu (TOIL), training courses, or any other leave you can think of. Define these in

Custom views – Custom views are your own views added on the Calendar Views page.

– D –

Decline request – As an authoriser, if you decide to not approve this request, select this option to remove the request from LeavePlanner and notify the requester.

Default view – This is the default Calendar View, the settings can be edited but it cannot be renamed or deleted.

Delete user – If you have made a mistake creating a user, or wish to do so for data protection purposes, you can Delete the user record from LeavePlanner. When doing so you can no longer view them in the system and all associated data is permanently deleted, this is not recoverable.

Department – Your users in LeavePlanner are grouped by departments and sub-departments.

Department Administrator – This Access Level grants a user access to the User Admin menu; there they can set up users, allowances and working patterns – also manage Low Cover Protection and generate Bulk Leave Request. They can request on behalf of any user in their department (and sub–departments).

Department selector – On certain pages you can use this to select which departments apply to your current data.

Details on Hover – When applied in the Viewing Options, the details on hover setting will give you detail on any item shown in the calendar. To view this detail you can hover your mouse cursor to view the name, request status, Leave Type, Date and time period.

Display Options – In Calendar Settings you can modify; view name, calendar type, initial month, number of months, and tooltips (display on hover).

– E –

Employee – Employee is the standard Access Level within LeavePlanner. We may also refer to your company’s staff as employees in the online help resource.

Employee Guide – Here you will find instructions for basic LeavePlanner functions. For example, logging in, viewing the planner, requesting leave.

– G –

Grid Calendar – The grid calendar is a Calendar Type that shows a separate row of dates per employee. This makes it great for planning leave and avoiding conflicts within your team. With this calendar type, you can also choose to highlight weekends & public holidays or working patterns, group by department and hide users that have no matching leave on the specified dates for this view.

– H –

Holiday – Also known as Annual Leave, holiday is a default Leave Type.

Home Screen – The Home Screen is visible to all users in LeavePlanner. Depending on your organisation and user access level, you may have fewer options on the screen but all employees will be able to view the planner and their summary, request holiday, sickness and absence.

How To Guide – This section is a step-by-step guide on the basic and advanced functions in LeavePlanner.

– I –

Include Archived – As a System or Department Administrator, on the Manage Users or My Summary page, you can include Archive users that have left the company.

Intranet – Many organisations use an intranet to host private websites for internal communication and collaboration. It is possible to integrate LeavePlanner with your intranet web site, to allow your employees to automatically log in (using their Microsoft Active Directory credentials).

– L –

LeavePlanner – LeavePlanner is your absence management solution. When ‘LeavePlanner’ in used in this help manual, we are referring to your instance of the LeavePlanner Online or Enterprise edition. If you do not have an active account – visit LeavePlanner.com to request a free trial!

Leave Allowances – If you want your users to have an allowance for a Leave Type, you can enable it and define the default allowance in Leave Settings. Individual users’ allowances can be changed in Manage Users. The allowance is given to the employee from their start date. There are options to setup incremental leave (up to a maximum), and allow users to carry leave over (and when it expires).

Leave Blackouts – You can add days into LeavePlanner and stop users from requesting holiday on these dates (previously Non-Leave days).

Leave Details view – This is a view on the My Summary page, both booked (authorised) and requested (unauthorised) leave are listed. Each block of leave is listed by the date, and the duration column will give you the leave period that was booked or requested for that day. System Administrators can decide who is able to delete future leave on this page.

Leave Period – This is a period that must be selected when you are requesting leave, it can be made up of Work Periods (full day), or Time Periods (Morning/Afternoon). When a leave request spans multiple days, the leave period can be defined for the start and end date, all days in between will be calculated as full days of leave.

Leave Settings – Within Leave Settings you have options for leave types, working/time periods and default working pattern (rota).

Leave Types – In LeavePlanner you have 3 default types of leave, holiday, sickness and absence. Your organisation is able to create further leave types with Custom Leave Types.

Licence Usage – Your licence usage displays how many active users you have in LeavePlanner and the maximum you are allowed on your current subscription. You can call us at any point to upgrade and increase this by however many you need.

Low Cover Protection – Low Cover Protection is a feature in LeavePlanner that prevent your teams being short-handed.

– M –

Manager – This is an Access Level that gives a user the ability to view summary details and request on behalf permissions for their department (and sub–departments).

Manage Requests – If you are an authoriser, you can use the Manage Requests page to view pending requests that have not been approved.

Manage Users – The manage users page, allows you to choose a user and modify their details, authorisation steps, working pattern and allowances.

Microsoft Active Directory – For the LeavePlanner Intranet Integration to work, you need to be using a Microsoft Windows Server environment. If you are unsure about this, contact your IT Support team to find out.

My Settings – This page contains Calendar Views and personal settings; password and time zone (if set in Organisation Settings).

My Summary – The My Summary page is all of your leave in one place. You can use the summary view to see your total leave and your remaining allowance.

– N –

Non-Leave Days are now known as Leave Blackouts

Notifications – LeavePlanner can notify the requester, authoriser and any additional notifications if you have entered email addresses within Manage Users.

– O –

Organisation – When the word organisation is used, we are referring to your company and the people there that have configured LeavePlanner for you.

Organisation Admin – The Organisation Admin page is only available to System and Department Administrators. The options in this section are for defining preferences for the whole organisation; from company name and departments to leave types and leave blackouts.

Organisation Settings – On this page you have Account Setup (organisation details, leave settings, security), Public Holidays (UK or custom) and Regional Public Holidays.

Organisation Structure – On the Organisation Structure page, you can define your company’s departments and teams.

– P –

Peers – When modifying a Leave Type you can choose whether it is visible to peers on the calendar. Peers are any other user with the same access level.

Public Holidays – The system defaults are UK Bank Holidays set in the system by us. If you want to use your own bank holidays you can choose to setup your own organisation public holidays or even set up holidays for users across multiple regions.

– R –

Regional Public Holidays – If you have departments or users spread across multiple regions, you can set up bank holidays for each region.

Reports – The reports section gives System Administrators and Department Administrators predefined reports based on your organisations data. You can allow Managers in the Calendar Access options within Organisation Settings.

Request Absence – You can use the Request Absence page to book reasons for absence other than sick leave. The absence types are defined by your organisation, these can include but are not limited to; doctors, dentists, hospital, and compassionate leave.

Request Holiday – The request holiday page is where you go to book time off for annual leave.

Request Limits – You can specify limits to stop short-notice requests, and define minimum/maximum leave per request.

Request Other – The Request Other page appears if your organisation has defined custom leave types, other than holiday, sickness and absence. To define custom leave types you must be a System Administrator and set them up in Leave Settings.

Request Summary – This can either be the summary when making a request, or the view an authoriser sees when approving/declining requests.

– S –

Secure Mode – is now known as Calendar Security Setting

Sickness – The default Leave Type for sick leave, by default this counts towards a Bradford Factor calculation for your employees.

Sick Leave Notification – The Sick Leave Notification page is where you can request sickness to be added to the planner. Usually a manager would do this for an employee when they notify of their absence.

Simple Mode – This is an option when editing the Working Pattern. In the simple mode you can choose between the default organisation working pattern, or a custom working pattern for this individual employee.

Sub-Categories – You can use sub-categories with Leave Types to record a reason for the leave. For example, Sickness has sub-categories for the reasons; Headache, Cold/Flu, etc.

Subordinates – When modifying a Leave Type you can choose whether it is visible to subordinates on the calendar. Subordinates are any user with a lower access level.

Summary view – The Summary view in My Summary is grouped into leave types. For leave types with an allowance (such as holiday) you will see figures for booked, allowance and remaining. Other leave types will show you the booked figure.

Stand-In Authoriser – If you have an authoriser and want to set a default person to be their backup you can add them as a Stand-In Authoriser. When adding a backup authoriser in an authorisation sequence in Manage Users, you have the option to choose the default stand-in for the main authoriser.

System Administrator – This level has full access to configure LeavePlanner, customise the Leave Settings, add users and departments. They can see all users, and override any authorisation process.

System Administrator Guide – Here you will find instructions for advanced LeavePlanner functions. For example, getting started, adding your employees, etc.

– T –

Time Periods – Create time periods, by the hour. You can setup these periods to be morning and afternoon (default), or even customise different periods for different shifts (early shift morning, late shift morning, etc.).

– U –

User – A user is anyone who uses LeavePlanner, regardless of their Access Level.

User Admin – The User Admin page is only available to System Administrators and Department Administrators. The options in this section are for setting up users, their allowances and working patterns. You can also request leave on bulk, and define Low Cover Protection groups; to ensure no teams are left short-handed.

User List – If you have access to other users, the user list will display the users you have access to. Click on the name of an employee to view their information for the current page. Start typing a name in the box to filter the list and quickly find the user you want to check.

User Manual – This is the section of this online help resource that gives a detailed page-by-page explanation and a glossary of terms.

– V –

View Planner – The View Planner page gives you a calendar of your leave. You can use this calendar to check availability of dates for future requests, or even look back at previous leave or absence.

Viewing options – The Viewing Options area contains settings that control what is being displayed on the current page.

– W –

Warnings – When a request is within the limits and restrictions you have configured, the request will display normally. Occasionally a request may conflict with a Leave Blackout day, exceed the allowance, or breach the limit of leave per request. LeavePlanner will notify you of any warnings, on the Request Summary page shown in red text.

Work Periods – Define periods that can be requested for leave, and selected on the working pattern (rota). These work periods are used to group time periods into a larger selectable period; for example combine Morning and Afternoon time periods as ‘All Day’ here to allow users to request days and half days.

Working Pattern – You can use the Working Pattern screen to match someone’s rota to the LeavePlanner system. When you input the pattern that the user works, LeavePlanner uses the employee’s working days for the planner display. The pattern is also used to calculate allowance accrual for pro-rata calculations and leave required for requests.