Web Server Upgrade of LeavePlanner.com Enterprise Edition


We always recommend staying up-to-date with LeavePlanner in order to benefit from the latest development and improvements, and you can do that either by having us perform the upgrade for you or by updating as per the steps below.

Performing an Upgrade

The steps needed to upgrade any previous release of LeavePlanner from v4 stay the same from version to version. Please refer to the release notes before performing any upgrade.

Upgrade Steps

Make a Full Backup – We cannot stress enough how important it is to always take a full backup before attempting any kind of upgrade. A full backup should be taken of both the LeavePlanner files and the database.

  1. Begin by downloading the latest release of LeavePlanner from here
  2. Unzip the contents of the downloaded zip file to a folder on your computer (i.e. c:temp)
  3. Upload all of the files you extracted to your existing LeavePlanner installation folder overwriting all existing folders & files
  4. Your upgrade is now complete!

Helpful Hints

If you encounter problems with accessing parts of LeavePlanner after performing any update then recycle the Worker Process in IIS. If you still encounter problems after recycling the Worker Process then either clear the ASP.NET cache (delete the root folder from C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files) or create a new Worker Process and move the LeavePlanner website into it.


Our support team is always available to answer any questions or concerns you might have when performing the upgrade process yourself. Simply open a ticket @ https://support.leaveplanner.com/ and a member of our team will get back to you.