Viewing an employee’s summary

  1. Go to the My Summary page in LeavePlanner.  It’s now located in the User Admin > Manage Users section.
Picture of the My Summary section
  1. Choose the employee with the user selector on the left-hand side.
Picture of the list of employees in the My Summary section
  1. Once the user is selected, their information will be displayed on the right-hand side.
Picture of leave allowances in My Summary.
  1. Use the tabs to view their Summary, Leave Details and Allowance Changes.
Image of the leave details TAB in My Summary.

Deleting Requests

As an administrator, you have the option to cancel any unauthorised or authorised leave within the system. You can also grant permission to other users allowing them to cancel their unauthorised leave. The settings for allowing users to delete requests, can be found on the Leave Settings page.

Picture of how to delete leave from an employees record.