Low Cover Protection is a feature in LeavePlanner that prevent your teams being short-handed. For example, you might want to ensure that there are always sufficient staff from the sales team present in your office; by defining the sales team and selecting how many ‘members must be available at all times’, LeavePlanner can either refuse requests or warn your authorisers about the situation.

Image of creating a low cover group.

To add a new group follow the steps below:

  1. Hit the ‘Add a group’ button on the left-hand side.
  2. Give the group a name, this will be displayed when a request is placed that breaches this protection.
  3. In the Members section, choose employees on the left-hand side and hit the > arrow to add them
    1. Tip: To select multiples, hold down Ctrl whilst selecting. You can also click and drag the selected members.
    2. You can filter by department to find employees easier, but note that this will filter both windows (available and current members).
  4. Next, choose either the ‘At least’ number present, or ‘Up to’ the maximum allowed to be absent.
  5. Finally, select whether you want to stop employees’ requests, or allow them and warn authorisers.
  6. Once you have finished, hit the ‘Save Group’ button to add the new group.